Category: Costumes

Adult Bloodborne Cosplay Costumes

Adult Bloodborne Cosplay Costumes

This page contains affiliate links for products I recommend. If you click a link and buy something I may receive some compensation in the form of a small commission. This does not change the price you would pay. Adult Bloodborne…

Renaissance Serving Wench Peasant Women Costume Dresses

Serving Wench Renaissance Costume Dress

Serving wench dresses worn by the common class or peasant women of the middle ages were made of simple fabrics with very little adornment or embellishments as they were not affordable by the commoners. Richly embroidered dresses were only for middle-class and upper-class women of higher ranking nobility.

Women’s Renaissance Hooded Traveling Dresses

Deluxe Adult Costumes - Women's Medieval green satin fancy hooded travel dress costume with brocade front panel by CosplayDiy

During the Medival and Renaissance eras, the nobility often wore hooded dresses instead of cloaks when traveling on horseback or in carriages. These dresses were usually made of heavier luxury fabrics to protect them from the outside elements.

Men’s Assassin’s Creed Cosplay Costumes

Deluxe Adult Costumes - Assassin's Creed II men's Ezio costume

Featuring high-quality men’s Assassin’s Creed cosplay costumes. Including costumes for the Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Ezio, Altair, Connor, Ed Kenway, Arno Dorian and Jacob Frye characters. Additionally, I am also featuring Assassin Creed Medic, Plague, and Templar costumes.